Upon cruising into the Port of Turbo I made the snap decision to pass on the long bus ride into steamy Cartagena. Cartagena is surely beautiful, the most some say, but it will be there. Matt, Dylan, and I fed ourselves, cashed up, shopped, and headed out across the hot lowlands towardsthe mountains. All very beautiful and friendly. Too many motorcycles and cars to remember pace me, say hi, ask questions, snap a photo or two, offer me a drink. Small hotels in small towns
offerred shelter for three out of the cool rain, for less than $4 each. At the military checkpoints along the road they stop us, curious and/or bored, they always have water and want to know what we think of Colombia? Some are appreciative of their US made military equipment, "the best armas," some items are embroidered with U.S.
The roads are shady and begin climbing into the mountains on the third day winding along rivers alternating between dirt and broken pavement through tunnels and over the passes. The riding could not be more beautiful and people are unfailingly courteous.
People we meet are curious and helpful. Dropping off one pass we camp in the community house
of a pueblito along the Rio Verde while curious folks come over to talk and give us avocados and mangoes.
After days of mountains we top a big pass and I cruise down through dusk towards Sante Fe Antioquia.
Late in the game I pinch flat and become a one man Indy 500 pit crew while the trucks and buses I passed slow down to offer help. I cruise into the the old colonial capitol at dusk and sit and have a beer waiting to see if Matt and Dylan followed. I wandered into the narrow cobbled streets in the dark to crash at a hotel, owned by a former Disney worker, figuring I would catch them in the morning at the bottom of the hill.
The next morning after breakfast, I catch Dylan and Matt at the bottom of the hill. I show them down to the plaza for breakfast, and after hemmin' and hawin' we decide to take a rest day. After asking around we find a great little hotel on a side alley off the main plaza with a pizza place at the opposite end, heaven.
Greg pleased to see the beautiful people of Colombia are embracing you with open arms and hearts.as Colombia unfolds before you with its amazing vistas you will discover why Colombia is one my favorite places to visit chevere love and respect Kelly and Amanda.