I have always been curious to see Nicaragua. Nicaragua was part of the beginning of my political awareness. I began to understand the difference between what governments say versus what governments do. The Sandinista Revolution overthrew a dictator promising development centered around the people of Nicaragua, as well as, advocating a non-aligned foreign policy in the midst of the Cold War. When I crossed the border from Honduras to Nicaragua the change was obvious. Whereas Honduras was dominated by corporate advertising, every sign has a Coke or Pepsi logo (including signs for towns), corporate advertising is largely absent from the Nicaraguan landscape. Whereas Honduran agriculture was large fincas and Monsanto, Nicaraguan agriculture seems to focus on smaller scale technologies like adobe and locally provided seeds. The town of Esteli, where stayed a night, is important to the Sandinista Revolution and it is clearly focused on locally appropriate technologies, fair trade and community based development. While Nicaragua is poor like Honduras crime appears to be less of a problem if you can judge by the presence private armed security. Overall, feels more relaxed. And most important to my cycling pleasure, Nicaraguans are not constantly honking their horns at me unlike Hondurans - that is very tiring and loud. I am far more comfortable. And it appears i will have some ride partners! I caught up Byron pedaling from Calgary after people started to tell me another cyclist was just ahead of me. And I will be catching up to Matt again in Grenada, as well. Party on wheels!
buena suerte en tu viaje!
Puerto Viejo, Sarapiqui, C.R